Coral Key Scuba and Travel Denver

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Meet the Great Barracuda

One of the biggest fallacies regarding Barracuda is that they are vicious predators that frequently attack people. Barracudas are relatively passive towards humans. They are inquisitive and will follow divers. Only 25 "attacks" have been recorded in the last 100 years.  Spear fishermen and hook and line fishermen make up the majority. Reaching into the water to grab your fish on the line at the unfortunate time a barracuda is going for the fish. 


Divers who are spearfishing and try to deny the barracuda from taking away their catch are tempting fate and have been known to get in the way of a barracuda advance. 

The more time you dive with barracuda, the more you will realize they are like any other fish in the sea. The opportunity to swim through a school of hundreds of them is pretty spectacular.