Coral Key Scuba and Travel Denver

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Why Becoming A Diver Is Awesome...

For those on the fence or just not yet willing to take the plunge underwater, just ask any diver out there: there is no reason not to love the sport. From its relative ease of entry to the amazing worlds you can discover, here’s some top reasons to get certified this year!

  1. You will explore worlds you’ve never imagined. Sure, it’s one thing to pop on Blue Planet for the tenth time in a row and see the world in 2D, but to actually take the plunge yourself and see firsthand the amazing wonders of the ocean is entirely different. Gliding amongst mantas, witnessing toothy sharks feeding, and discovering the tiniest, most beautiful reef creatures is an experience you can’t get from sitting on the couch.

  2. You will be an aquanaut. There are several quotes out there that claim diving is much like being a weightless astronaut, and it’s true! NASA even utilizes diving in its astronaut program to simulate zero gravity. Slipping beneath the waves and being subject to only the current and your kicks is an amazing feeling.

  3. Anyone can do it! Aside from very few health complications, scuba diving truly is for everyone. Old, young, blind or even paralyzed, there are programs for every diver out there, and you don’t even necessarily have to be the best swimmer, either!

Image: Redbull