Coral Key Scuba and Travel Denver

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Does YOUR Mask Fit? Here's How To Tell...

Most every reputable dive shop you go to should fit you for your mask. If they don’t even bother helping, maybe check around for some other shops that will. In any case, knowing how to properly fit a mask to your face is key to a comfortable dive. Here’s what you should look for…

The inner and outer seal should be sitting flush around ALL parts of your face. Note that the inner seal does not extend beneath the cheeks/nose area, so no need to worry there. If you have a solid seal, you should be able to inhale lightly through your nose and have the mask begin to press against your face. Note, you do NOT want to smoosh the mask to your face; in essence you’re just bending the seal which will cause discomfort in the long run.

Which mask do you swear by? How long have you had it? Let us know below!