Sharks Just a misunderstood fish

Many divers are nervous about sharks. I think it would be safe to say that they probably have not been diving with them. Why do I say that?  Because every time we take people on a shark expedition they all come away saying their fear or apprehension is gone. Not many animals in the sea evoke such emotion as sharks. The truth is most shark species are not aggressive at all. If you have ever been on a shark dive, you know how much fun it can be! 


The more time you spend with them the more you understand, as Randy says, "they are just a big fish that is misunderstood". Just watch our footage at the shop of Randy and I feeding, holding, sharks and you will see that even 40 sharks all trying to get some food are more curious than dangerous. 

I know what TV, the media, and movies portray but that is entertainment. Shark week is entertainment.  In fact you have less chance of being attacked by a shark than you do of winning the lottery.  Toasters, vending machines, falling coconuts, kill more people annually than sharks do. 

I highly recommend that you join us on our shark expeditions. Usually every two years we gather a group of around 20 people and dive with sharks. You can get your shark specialty certification. Randy actually wrote the specialty for PADI.  I promise you that when we are finished with that trip you will respect but not fear sharks and want to do it again.