Enter the SPOC: A New Way to Dive with Great Whites

Cage diving with great white sharks has been around for over 20 years now, and is most popular off the northwestern Atlantic and Guadalupe Island, both very popular white shark aggregation sites. But now there’s a much more mobile way to see the whites… with the Self Propelled Ocean Cage, or SPOC!


Owned and operated by the Solmar V liveaboard, the SPOC offers breathtaking views of white sharks in a mobile cage environment, giving both the pilot and lucky passenger views into unique white shark behaviors. The cage itself is about 10 feet long and utilizes nitrox and full face mask for the pilot and passenger to communicate and stay submerged for about 30-45 minutes per flight.

Would you ever hop in the SPOC and cruise around with great whites?

Ariece Jokela