Annual 4th of July BBQ Treasure Hunt
Don't miss out on the amazing food, fun and PRIZES! Sign up to reserve your spot for our Annual 4th of July Celebration at the 'Coral Sea'. Our annual event includes a diving treasure hunt (with PRIZES!), BBQ and an unforgettable time with family and friends!
Divers look for Stakes with numbers on them. Bringing one up with them, they will exchange for a prize after the Barbecue. All prizes valued at $50 or higher. All paid divers get a prize.
The dive brief begins at 10:30 am. We will start the BBQ at 12pm with prizes awarded following lunch.
Diver’s Price Includes: Tank, Weights & Lake Fee, Treasure hunt with prizes, & Barbecue.
Non Divers $15 price includes the event and Barbecue and Lake access.
All rental gear (including tanks & weights) must be picked up from the store by July 3 and returned on July 5