The Freediving Faux Pas?


When it comes to scuba diving, there’s no shortage of debate between fin shapes. Splits vs Paddle? What about snorkeling fins, are those OK? Then, every now and then you’ll encounter that one majestic diver with just a little bit more tail on their kit. “What the heck are those for?? Mermaids?” one might think. No! In fact, freediving fins can be a popular sight among warm water divers.

It’s important to understand, however, that they have their place. A wide open drift dive in crystal clear 80 degree water? They could be a good choice! The increased length adds power and efficiency to your strokes at the cost of a little bit of energy. What about a confined cave or wreck dive in cold water? That’s where you could run into trouble. Freediving fins are generally not the easiest to pivot on, and can certainly lend a foot (pun intended) in knocking into your fellow dive buddies.

What do you think? Can we combine these separate but similar sport’s equipment?

Ariece JokelaComment