Podcasts for the Bubble Nut in You...

If there’s one form of media that has exploded in the recent decade, it has to be the podcast. Ideal for commutes, exercising, or really any down time you have at work, there’s an enormous variety of genres to choose from. Thankfully, there also happens to be some incredible ones for divers!

Up first has to be one of the most well known: The Big Deep Podcast. Hosted by Jason Elias, several notable figures in ocean science, exploration, filmmaking and more come on to share their personal stories of how the ocean has affected their lives, drastically altered their career paths, and always ends on a positive note on how the average big blue lover can make a difference for its preservation.

Next is certainly geared towards our photography friends: The Underwater Tribe. Here we have several dozen episodes (and YouTube videos) of prominent underwater photographers and cinematographers dissecting how they got to where they are now, what gear they recommend, and much, much more.

Finally, there’s the Ocean Science Radio podcast. This one is just as it sounds, geared towards the inner oceanography nerd in all of us. The team, consisting of a well known panel of ocean scientists, breaks down the ocean’s most pertinent perils and talks with a wide range of other scientists on issues most of us may not even know about.

Got a favorite ocean related podcast? Share it with us below!

Ariece Jokela