Top Shark Diving Tips

Sharks are meant to be respected, not feared. The difference between shark on human vs human on shark attacks is staggering: a whopping 12 to approximately 100,000,000. And statistically speaking, you’re less likely to be attacked UNDER the water than on or above it. With that said, there are some precautions all divers should take when diving with these wonderful predators.

  1. Don’t dive alone

    This should go without saying in the dive community, but diving alone amongst hunting predators is never a good idea. Always have a buddy, aim for daylight and good visibility, and make sure someone has a regular eye on that shark!

  2. Respect their distance

    Despite what Ocean Ramsay may tell you, it is never a good idea to approach (let alone grab) a shark in the water. Maintain a respectable distance, and never intentionally put yourself between a shark and potential prey.

  3. Dive with a responsible DO.

    Many dive operators offering shark dives are in good standing with governmental regulations and conservation practices. But it is worth doing your research if you’re going to hire someone to take you on a shark dive. If they practice illegal baiting methods, utilize protected areas, or are past offenders of maritime law, don’t give them your business.

What are your top shark diving tips? Let us know below!

Image: DIVE Magazine

Image: DIVE Magazine

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