Minimal Anxiety, Maximal Comfort

When it comes to diving, there are always things you can do beforehand to minimize stress and maximize your comfort for time underwater. Here are some great tips to make you more comfortable for your next dive…

  1. Dive with who you know, dive with what you know

    A good buddy and familiar equipment may seem obvious, but if you’re on a vacation using rentals, or are travelling by yourself, this is easier said than done. Make an effort to pair yourself with a diver of similar skill, or with a good knowledge of the environment. If you’re a beginner, be sure to voice your concerns to your dive guide so they can help pair you up. Additionally, if you’re using unfamiliar rental equipment, take the time to study your kit thoroughly before plunging; it may just save your life!

  2. Make sure your kit is fitted properly.

    One thing any good dive shop will tell you is that your mask is the window to your underwater world, and consequentially the most important thing to have fitted. A leaky mask, hard breathing reg, a tight fitting BCD, all minor things that can lead to major stress in a dive.

  3. Keep your health in check.

    We don’t have to tell you that your health can impact your dive. From your diet, sleep, and exercise, all components can contribute towards your overall stress on dive day. Fortunately, these are all things we have quite a bit of control over!

What are your top tips for minimizing stress come dive day?

Image: Deeper Blue

Image: Deeper Blue

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