Lobsters: An Underwater Anomaly

Be it the armored California Spiny Lobster or the classic, big-clawed American or Maine Lobster, these bottom crawling bugs need no formal introduction. Here are some fun lobster facts!

  • Lobsters pee out of their eyes from an opening called a nephrophore

  • Lobsters are hypothesized to live as long as humans! Scientists aren’t entirely sure what the upper limit of their life span actually is…

  • Female lobsters can only mate after they’ve molted, and they’re the ones who make the first move! They can choose which male’s sperm to fertilize, and can even carry their eggs for up to a year!

  • Lobsters taste food with their legs using tiny chemosensory hairs!

  • They also chew food with their stomachs, not teeth!

What’s your favorite thing about lobsters??

Image: NationalFisherman.com

Image: NationalFisherman.com

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